In Legacy Kids we strive to create a safe and healthy environment to help children build a trusting relationship with volunteers to lead to a better understanding of who Jesus is. In Preschool we focus on the Three Basic Truths of how God Made Me, God Loves Me and Jesus wants to be my friend forever. As we expand into the elementary age our hope is kids will walk away knowing they can trust God no matter what, they can treat others the way they want to be treated, and they can always make the wise choice.
With COVID and Social Distancing, we are striving to create a safe and welcoming place for kids to enjoy learning the truths of the Bible, their monthly life app and gaining relationships with their peers. We are working to build a strong volunteer basis with consistency and a desire to serve. Below you’ll find details on the different areas of service within Legacy Kids Ministry. We hope you’ll prayerfully consider joining our team.
Small Group Leader
Walkers-Age 2:Assist our Childcare Staff with caring for the children while participating in activities and play
3s-Kindergarten: Lead in morning activities, play and participate with Large Group
Elementary (1st-5th Grade): Actively engage and interact with children upon arrival and throughout the morning, assist with effective small group management (chaos control), communicate with children to ensure understanding of the lesson/activities, participate in large group Worship, and model a desire for learning to trust Jesus that communicates excitement and fun to the children who come to Legacy Church.
Special Needs Buddy
Buddies are there to make each child's experience as inclusive as possible. In our buddy system, volunteers are match with a child to provide attention and care to for the child within the classroom environment. Based on the child's needs, a buddy may assist in either modifying activities in order for the child to participate or simply be there as a special friend to help the child feel more comfortable.
Interested in serving: Please fill out the form below and one of our Kids Ministry Team Members will reach be in contact.